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How to Know if Baby Has Colic or Reflux

December 13, 2024
How to Know if Baby Has Colic or Reflux

It’s stressful to be a new parent, especially if your infant always feels uncomfortable and you notice that there’s something wrong. If that happens, your baby might have symptoms of colic or reflux. To help your baby feel better, read our article to know the difference between colic and reflux.

What is Colic or Reflux?

When a healthy baby cries for extended periods of time without any visible cause, then it might be colic. This usually occurs during the late afternoon or evening and you might notice that the baby arch their backs, grip their feasts, or blush when they cry. Even though it can be upsetting, colic will go away when the infant is 3 or 4 months old.

On the other hand, reflux happens when the infant's stomach contents reflux up into the esophagus. They frequently experience it since their digestive systems are still maturing. Moreover, they might also have issues when it comes to sleeping, they may spit up a lot, or even appear agitated during or after feeding. In severe situations, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may be present and necessitating medical care.

What Does Baby Reflux Look Like?

It’s very important to address if your baby has a reflux. Here are some of the signs that you can check on your baby:

  • Frequent spit-ups after feeding.
  • Crying or fussiness during or after meals.
  • Arching their back or tilting their head backward.
  • Gagging or choking during feedings.
  • Trouble sleeping flat on their back.

If you notice that some of these symptoms keep worsening, you have to consult your baby’s pediatrician. Remember that severe reflux can affect feeding and weight gain, so early intervention matters.

How Do You Treat Reflux in Infants?

Thankfully, most reflux can be treated when the baby’s digestive system matures as they grow. But here are some of the tips to manage it:

  1. Feed smaller amounts more frequently. This will help the baby’s stomach from getting too much food.
  2. Keep your baby upright after feeding. Hold them upright for about 20-30 minutes so it can reduce spit-ups.
  3. Try a slower-flow bottle or nipple. This will help to minimize the amount of air that is swallowed when they are getting feed.
  4. Thicken formula or breast milk (if recommended). Your pediatrician might suggest to add the thickening agent to reduce the reflux of the baby.
  5. Elevate the head of their crib. Slightly raise the baby’s mattress to help with sleep.

For severe cases, don’t hesitate to go to the doctor because they will prescribe medications or give you further evaluations. 

Can a Chiropractor Help with Baby Reflux?

Chiropractors can help infants who are suffering from reflux symptoms. They can help to relieve the pain since Chiropractors are trained individuals when it comes to gentle pediatric techniques and adjust any misalignment from the baby’s spine. Since these misalignment are the usual cause of the tension around the digestive system of the baby.

According to research, chiropractic care can help improve the infant's nervous system’s function, which can reduce the reflux symptoms. So if you’re considering these options, don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced chiropractor in your area.

How to Know if a Baby Has Colic or Reflux?

To identify if it’s reflux or colic, you can observe your baby’s behavior and symptoms. Here are some of the things that you have to check:

  • Crying patterns: Colic often follows predictable patterns (e.g. evenings), while reflux can happen anytime, especially after a meal.
  • Spitting up: Frequent spit-ups are usually caused by reflux and not colic.
  • Body Language: You may notice that babies who suffer from reflux may arch their backs and gag, while babies with colic tends to clench their fists and pull their legs to their chest.

Final Thoughts on Colic or Reflux

It can get really challenging to take care of your baby if they have a colic or reflux, and especially if it’s your first baby. That is why understanding the signs of colic and reflux can help you respond to it effectively and help your baby feel more comfortable. However, if you notice that your baby is experiencing serious symptoms, immediately go to a pediatrician. And if they recommend that you can use alternative treatment, visit a professional chiropractor.

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